Wednesday 9 September 2009

This is my very first post! i took media as one of my options as im always involved in media like watching tv and on the internet so i thought it would be interesting. so far i think it is really fun because none of our other lessons are like this. It makes a change to get and sit on a computer or do practical things instead of in a slassroom staring at a board all the time.
Three things about me:
Im interested in dancing as my sister is a dancer so ive always been around it. im also interested in music, t.v (constantly watching it,) and anything fun. Im quite creative when i want to be but usually find it hard coming up with a good idea to start with. I love to be around alot of people as i get bored really easily and im usually a bit shy when i first meet people but i talk more when ive known them longer as i start to feel more comfortable.
What i have learnt:
So far i have learnt what exactly media is as i didnt really know all about it. i learnt all the different types of media and how much we all take media in a day which is alot.

Media languages, forms and conventions
Ideology & values

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