Monday 21 September 2009

person a: parents
person b: friend
person c: sister

What would you mostly be found doing?
a. surfing the internet, facebook.
b. watching t.v
c.playing on a game
d. listening to music or the radio

person a: b
person b: a
person c: a

how many hours per day do you spend on the internet?
a. 1-4
b. 4-6
c. 6-8
d. more than 8

person a: a
person b: b
person c: a

what have you done in the last hour?
a. surfed the internet
b. watched t.v
c. played on a game
d. none of the above

person a: d
person b: a
person c: d

what do you need most?
a. laptop/ computer
b. t.v
c. ipod/ radio/ mp3
d. xbox/ ps3/ wii ect.

person a. b
person b: a
person c. a

from my questionare i have found that the younger generation such as teenagers are more involved with the internet. it seems that everyone now thinks it is essential to have a computer/ laptop. there are also many new ways to take in media such as game consoles, ipods and the internet meaning teenagers are taking in alot more media.

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